Mother Blessing


illustration by Les Rêveries de Justine


Birth is the beginning of a new life. But it is not only the baby that will be born. Also a new mother will be…. This can be the transition from a woman to having her first child, but also for her following babies.

The Blessingway has its origin in the Navajo tradition. It is a private and spiritual ceremony that blesses the pregnancy but also helps the mothers to gather all the energy and protection she might need in order to birth her baby with strength and positive energy.

The mother-to-be will invite the women that are closest to her and with different symbolic rituals together to create positive energy for the birth she will experience. The mother-to-be will feel more confident and supported as she approaches the end of her pregnancy and will be empowered to live a positive birth experience.

The ceremony can be celebrated during the entire pregnancy but is usually done in the last trimester.

We will start the Mother Blessing with an opening and a short introduction of the mother-to-be and her invitees, followed by 3 - 4 rituals the mother will choose previously.

The event will be finished with a sweet snack and some herbal tea and a small present for all invitees.

If you wish further information or would like to plan a Mother Blessing in or around Brussels, please get in touch.